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One of your close friends had driven down here before, and to your surprise went missing.Little did he know that your house was on the other side of town from your job, so it was one of the only routes you could take Why you drove down that road almost 3 times a day honestly surprised him.Really? An alien like thing was going to kill you if you drove down there? You were willing to take those chances Everyone had told you about the lores and history about missing persons from that road, but thought nothing of it.Normally if it was a single car that would most likely never drive past again, then he’d let them go on their way Creeper is very, very territorial over his land and the first time he saw you drive past he was on high alert.My attraction to creeper is a weird mystery, but hey, here we go! Jeepers creepers jeepers creepers x reader slasher slashers x reader huge hugs from behind, pushing his face into your neck, playing and smelling your hair, and just smelling you in general, it all gets him going Rubbings his hands up and down your arms. It’s that need to know every inch of your body that gets him going. He’s never truly experiences that love and tenderness from someone who he didn’t eventually kill out of primal instinct Quite hesitant and stiff at first but soon warmed up to it. But, on the more softer side, he rather enjoys you playing with his hair every so often.His teeth? Out and ready for tearing baby You have been claimed as his any anyone who thinks to give you the smallest gaze will be up for a world of absolute hell. As for most of his things, he’s very territorial over you.Normally, he never lets you into his truck because he doesn’t want you hurt, but if you need to get away quickly you can certainly get away fast

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He teaches you how to get into his truck without getting hurt.Speaking of music, care to have a dance?.You’ll know he’s in a good mood if you catch him whistling to whatever happens to be spilling out of that Phonograph he’s got tucked away Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Louis Armstrong, and all those good oldies.

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  • For being around for an extremely long time, he still has his preferred music.
  • If he leaves something down for a second it drives him completely mad until he puts it back and tidies it up Everything he owns has a place and when he’s done using it it goes right back in that spot.
  • A complete neat freak, if you think about it.

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